
Welcome as student at UP Røros traffic school!

Up traffic school has base near to the city centre in Røros. Our goal is to offer a complete traffical education with the best quality, price and flexibilty in our services. We offer training and education with both manual and automatic transmission cars. And also moped and cartrailer (BE, B96)

Please dont hesitate to contact us with your questions:

Telephone: 909 960 43

E-mail: haugsgjelten@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/rørosauttrafikkskole

Prices and practical information

Driving education (Class B)

Step 2 - 3 Sessions (Driving lessons)

Singel session (45 min.) kr.620,-

Double session (90 min.) kr.1240,-

Mandatory evaluation session (45 min.) kr.700,-

Step 3.10 Safety session on course at NAF (Norwegian automobile association) facilities (All mandatory)

Main part (180 min.) kr.3400,-

Transport to and from course NAF Tynset training course (ca. 120 min.) kr.800,-

Course rent - Fee to NAF: kr.1240,- (See. pt.1 in terms)

Step 4 Safety course on road (all mandatory)

Theoretical part (3 sessions in total 5x45 min.) kr.1200,-

Praktisk del (2 økter på tilsammen 8x45 min.) kr.7050,-

Final practical exam:

Rent of approved car (70 min.) kr.2200,-

Fee to the road authorities kr.1100,- (see pt.2 in terms)

Driving licesene production fee to the road authorities kr.300,- (see pt.2.in terms)

Driving education (Trailer class BE/B96)

Single session (45 min) kr. 790,-

Mandatory sessions: 

Step 2&3 (2x45 min.): kr. 1580;-

Step 4 (3x45 min): kr. 2370,-

Final practical exam 

Rent of approved car and trailer: kr. 2200,-

General terms:

1: Fee for use of NAF Tynset training course will be charged directly to the traffic school and later charged the students internal account.

2: Fees to the road authorities in connection with the driving test must be paid directly with creditcard at their facilities before the day for the test. Make sure to bring valid identification with a fresh picture of your self to the test.

Campaigns and special offers

No special campaigns currently, but ask for our discounted prepaid packages.

Terms for prepaid packages:

1: Discounts requires full payment before the training start or rigth after the first ordinary driving lesson

2: Our package discounts requires that the student read and accept our extended terms and conditions. Students below 18 years of age need to present a written permission and accept for terms and conditions from their parents or legal guardians.

3: Students may combine og buy new packages during the education. New discounts is only given when previous payments and discounts are fully used.

4: Its prohibited to buy any new packages larger then the stipulated cost for the rest of the training. Stipulation is always calculated by the the teacher, and any purchase of new packages during the training must be cleared by the teacher before any transfer is done.

5: Any prepaid packages will as a main rule not be refunded if the student choose to stop the training without legal reason. Exeptions may be given if the student can document a relocation to another country or municipality in unreachable distance from Røros. Documented long term illnes or other special conditions will give the rigth to a full refund of reaming credit. All discounts which have been given will be withdrawn from the refund

6: Any credit who remains on the students account after the education is completed will be fully refunded

Understanding of traffical education in Norway

Traffic education in Norway is among the best, most demanding and expensive in the world. The proved effect of this is less traffic accidents and safer roads. Our branch is closly monitored and controlled by the road authtorities. We are obliged to follow a detailed curriculums in our teaching, no students can or will be advanced to next mandatory level of the education before the skills are good enough to satisfy the goals in the curriculum. The practical and theoretical exams is the final tests who will determine if your personal and proffesional training have reached the required level. Many candidates is surprised over the demands to pass these test. At the pratical exam the examiner can use up to 70 minutes to evalute your overall skills. UP Røros traffic school will make sure your education prepares you for the exams in a best possible way, but even more important your career as a safe car driver in Norwegian traffic. 

Tollef Bredals vei 11

7374 Røros

Ring oss:

90 99 60 43

